Our friend M. e-mailed this morning that she had been so upset last night by the election that she read “The Schiz,” which raised her spirits.
Riased her spirits???
Now M. has a PhD in English and American Literature from a prestigious university, but “The Schiz” is a dark comedy, about lawyers, doctors, patients, and clients, which, for crying out loud, I have prided myself for years on my former agent’s having called it “repellant, depressing, morbid, and grim.”
Has it lost its edge?
On the other hand, in its Afterword, I do refer to the president-elect as “a walking cesspool,” so maybe I have at last connected with (half of) the nation’s psyche.
So perk yourself up. THE SCHIZ available from www.theboblevin.com, Amazon, and (for $30) from Spruce Hill Press, POB 9492, Berkeley 94709