Worried Man Blues

I contributed to First of the Month’s pre-election issue http://www.firstofthemonth.org/choosy-beggars-election-2016/
My piece begins:

My brain has this toiletbowl-like refill-capability worrywise. So after the second debate had flushed away my Trump-sized turds of anxiety about this election’s outcome, I was not surprised when a replacement flowed back in.
It did not help that I had recently read Dan Ephron’s “Killing a King,” an account of the 1995 murder of Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by the 25-year-old ultranationalist and Orthodox fundamentalist, Yigal Amir.

Adventures in Marketing (Week 24)

“The Shiz” arrived from the printer’s on Monday, as scheduled. Well, mostly. It turned out I was light 180 copies. Luckily, I thought, this was not the sort of shipment likely to have lured highwaymen. I felt confident since, one morning, shortly after purchasing what-has- proved-to-be a more-than lifetime supply of my first novel when my publisher was threatening to shred them and storing them in my garage, I received a call from a construction worker that he had arrived at his job site and found the contents of an opened carton strewn about. The thief had kept our rake however.

Anyway, I posted announcements of my launch party at the café and health club and passed some out hand-to-hand. I sent invitations to friends who lived locally and announcements of the book to others. (I did not request RSVPs, but from those who’ve given them, attendance looks good.) I sent copies of the book to the artists who contributed and invited those in NorCal to come and sell their own work.

Actual sales to date remain in single figures. Publishing something is always a lesson in humility, a reliable reminder that you are not as important to other people as you think you are. The most instructive lesson has been that, aside from one cousin, no one I knew before I turned 25, though we’ve kept in touch e-mail, Xmas card, and/or phone (and most of whom I gave a free “Cheesesteak”) has bought a “Schiz.” But I am without rancor. (Well, hardly any.)

Reaction-wise, the book’s look has been praised and its back cover blurbs described as hilarious.

COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: “The Schiz” can be ordered for $30, and “Cheesesteak” for $20 from Spruce Hill Press, POB 9492, Berkeley 94709. Those and my other books can be ordered through Pay Pal at www.theboblevin.com.

Marketing Report: Week 23

For those of you who weren’t followers of my blog, explanation may be in order. Some months ago, when I self-published semi-memoir “Cheesesteak,” I began issuing this account of my journey toward media-baronhood. Hence…

Just when I seemed destined for a second consecutive “Zero copies sold…,” my announcement of the looming (next week) availability of my black comedy “The Schiz” resulted in a burst of activity(three “Schiz” sales within six hours, plus an accompanying order of “Fully Armed,” my 1995 bio-fic about Jimmy Don Polk.) (The buyers were a cousin and two comics world pals.)

I’ve also finalized plans for “The Schiz”‘s launch party, securing the services of a preferred barista, photocopying the Milo George-designed flyer for distribution, cost-comparing the price for paper plates, cups, plastic forks, and napkins (Did Lord Beaverbrook really start like this?), and extending invitations. I didn’t ask for RSVPs, but polling data extrapolated from those who replied indicates the turnout will be good.

SENS Bistro. 1538 Shattuck. Berkeley.
Nov. 10. 7 – 9:00 p.m.
Cheesesteak $20; The Schiz $30 from Spruce Hill Press, POB 9492 Berkeley 94709
OR, via Pay Pal at www.theboblevin.com

Marketing Report: Week 22

No books sold.

This despite my netting two five-star reviews for “Cheesesteak” at Amazon. (Confession: Having finally mastered getting listed, I solicited 40 friends, so a five-percent return rate is not that great. Another fellow says he would have reviewed me, but he couldn’t master the technology.)

And this despite my having made a capitol investment, acquiring two handsome wood stands to display examples of my wares vertically, alongside my “Buy Bob’s Books!” sign while I sit in the café. So far they have not drawn a fleeting glance.

The process has not been without reward however. “Csteak” has drawn me into correspondence with a fellow formed at Fels Junior High, who matured in and around the South Street Renaissance. Our topics of memory land-discussions to date have included Howie (“One tough jewboy”) Turnoff, an All-Public guard from Northeast with whom I shared one semester at Brandx, and Ira Einhorn, the Powelton Village hippie guru/trunk murderer, whom, my correspondent suggest, was an informer for COINTELPRO. As I said, interesting.

In other news, my “review” of “Falcon & Snowman” led the publisher to ask if I wanted to review anything else of theirs. (I passed for the moment.) And “The Schiz”‘s impending release has led me to approach management of the Sens Bistro (formerly The French Hotel Café) about holding a launch party there. If the price is stomachable, it should be the evening of Nov. 10. No Host (Coffee) Bar. Free cake.

CHEESESTEAK ($20) is available from POB 9492, Berkeley 94709.
See also: www.theboblevin.com.

The Falcon and the Pardon-Seeker

My latest piece is up at http://www.firstofthemonth.org/the-falcon-and-the-pardon-seeker-2/

It begins: Maybe it is a good time to revisit the story of Christopher Boyce. Certainly Open Road Media, which just re-issued an E-book of Robert Lindsey’s “The Falcon and the Snowman” (1979), thinks so. I had not read the original, but I’d seen the movie – Timothy Hutton as Boyce (The Falcon) and Sean Penn as Daulton Lee (The Snowman). Now, having mastered Adele’s Kindle, I’m down with ORM’s decision.

Marketing Report: Week 21

Sold one “Cheesesteak.”

I was sitting outside the French, waiting for a visit from B, when H walked by. I had been counting on him for a sale since we had discussed self-publishing when it was just a gleam in the eye. But he had disappeared about the time my book appeared. I thought he’d moved, but he had only been boycotting the café because the new owners had instituted a mini-dress code on the barristas. (It’s Berkeley, after all.) Anyway, I had a copy in the trunk of the Honda and he bought it.

By then B had arrived, but before we could begin catching up, who should appear but S. She had been a friend of ours (mainly Adele’s) before moving to Marin 20 years ago. We had recently re-connected when I’d joined Facebook. She had her won book out, and we’d agreed to swap. She had hers with her, but I’d sold H mine, so I bought hers and she agreed to buy mine. In fact, she liked the idea of selling books at the café so much, she said she’d bring a stack, tell all her East Bay friends, and we could sell our books together.

I made progress at Amazon (See last week’s report) and now have ONE copy listed there. If it moves, I guess I now know how to list another, so I’ll be able to proceed one-at-a-time.

And while my POB has remained a dry hole, book-wise, it did land coupons from Andonico’s, which could save us $40 on groceries, which is more than paying for itself.

In other news, I’ve paid the printer for “The Schiz,” stocked up on bubble mailers and stamps (I’m going Wonder Woman), and sent a feeler to the cafe’s management about holding a Book Launch party there. Next project: on-line book reviews.

CHEESESTEAK: $20. Spruce Hill Press. POB 9492, Berkeley 94709.
Other Books: www.theboblevin.com

The Only Sensible Response

My latest has gone up at http://www.tcj.com/the-only-sensible-response/

It begins: When I was asked to review Robusto!!! (Lovecraft House. 2016) by its editor /translator/publisher Dragana Drobjnak, you could pretty much sum-up all I knew about Serbia in two words: “Novak Djokovic.”
This turned out not to be strictly true. Thinking further, I came up with a war (against Bosnia), a massacre (Srebrenika), NATO bombing, and a head-of-state (Milosevic) tried for war crimes. Also Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Jankovic. (My wife is a huge tennis fan.)
And I’d read Rebecca West’s pre-World War II classic, “Black Lamb and Grey Falcon.” Of which I remembered nothing.
So I did not appear the most qualified reviewer.
But I agreed to take a look.

I just read (almost)…

…Edna O’Brien’s memoir, “Country Girl.” I had never read any of O’Brien’s novels, but I had a recollection this was good, and it was on the “Free” shelf in the café, so… (I cashed in Tom Friedman’s “From Beirut to Jerusalem” for it.)

Adele says the best part of bio- and auto-bios are childhoods, and that was certainly the case here. Actually the book was good through the custody fight following O’
Brien’s divorce, but once, after winning, she shipped her two sons off to boarding school, things disintegrated into a great deal of name-dropping. Some of was worthy of a raised eyebrow, like her one-night stand with Robert Mitchum, and her visit from Samuel Beckett while in a flash-back from an acid trip she had taken with R.D. Lange. I got as far as her us-gals friendship with Jackie Kennedy Onassis, when I decided I’d had enough. The flashes of fine writing were there but not the substance.

But it was worth every cent.


As I was leaving the post office I ran into L. When I had spent the week here in June 1968 which cemented our futures together (See p. 95 of “Cheesesteak,” available for $25, from Spruce Hill Press, POB 9492, Berkeley 94709), we had out poignant parting dinner before I returned to Chicago at the Chinese restaurant L owned on Shattuck Avenue. When I had my office in Berkeley, I ate chicken chow fun there, usually once a week.
Following her divorce, L sold the restaurant. I’d seen her a few time since but not in several years. We kissed cheeks, discussed arthritis (hers), cardio problems (mine), dry rot (mutual), and six grandchildren (also hers). Then we parted, having, I suspect, making each of us feel better that here we both still were.
I had barely resumed my seat at the café when a woman entered whom I also thought I recognized. For a brief time, in the late nineties or early oughts, I saw her as another customer in the back room or, even more briefly, working the register of what-I-call-in-my-writings (See, for instance, “Fully Armed,” available from www.theboblevin.com) “Café Frenzy.” She was Mexican, maybe a Berkeley City College student, and strikingly attractive, with thick, below-shoulder-length black hair. She never acknowledged my stares. I never spoke to her beyond, when she was at the register, “Short double espresso” and “Thank you.”
She was putting a top on her to-go cup when I said, “Excuse me, but…”
She was surprised – and pleased – to be remembered. “How are you?” she said, even though she could not have remembered me. “I have a 10-year-old son.”
I recalled her hair. “And then you cut it.”
“Oh,” she said, “I cut it so short.”
“Bob,” I said, extending my hand.
“R,” she said.
Her grip was firm.

Later I thought about her mention of her son. I thought who she may have been at 20, being stared at by men in back rooms, not knowing where her future would lead. This son, I thought, signified a pride and self-assurance and attainment she could not have been sure would ever be hers.
I was glad I had spoken

Marketing Report: Week 20

Sold one “Cheesesteak” and swapped one.

The sale went to a middle-aged woman walking by the café. It was a warm day, so I had moved outside for the extra foot traffic. I almost lost her to a “No-cash-with-me” but I dazzled her with my IPhone’s ability to accept credit cards (plus a “money-back-if-not-satisfied” guarantee. What I would do with a book signed for “M—e” I hadn’t considered.)

The swap was to a fellow who recognized me from Facebook as a kindred spirit and wanted to connect. A former commix creator, he became a collector of/dealer in kinescopes of old TV shows when the need to make a living over took him. He brought me several of his books. We had a good conversation at the café, despite the jackhammers that had started outside the door 15 minutes before he arrived.

In other news, the hic-cups with the illustrations to “The Schiz” seem to have been resolved at the printer’s, so if shipment doesn’t occur on October 17 as initially estimated, it shouldn’t be more than a week later. In anticipation, I stocked up on bubble mailers from Uline — and have been over-taken with anxiety wondering if I will come close to filling them with orders.

If didn’t help when my latest attempt to market “Cheesesteak” with Amazon failed. I ran into a snag with their form completion I couldn’t untangle, and their customer service rep’s (“Selva” by name) Live Chat produced a lot of garbled syntax, given and withdrawn instructions, and utilazation of terms foreign to me (What the hell’s a “screenshot”?)on his end, and much stifled rage on mine. (I admit I am an ignoramus when it comes to any matters more technical than opening a sealed carton.) Finally he (or she) told me someone from an “internal team” would need to assist me. Having spent 20 minutes with Selva, I spent five more waiting and then disconnected.

CHEESESTEAK is available from Spruce Hill Press, POB 9492, Berkeley, CA 94709, for $20.