Sold one “Best Ride.”
It went to a fellow I’d played Saturday pick-up basketball with for 20 years. He said he hadn’t known I wrote books until he saw my display in the café, which suggests I need to expand the reach of my brand. On the other hand, I hadn’t known his last name for 15 of those 20 years. It was that kind of game.
In other news, the distribution de3al for “Cheesesteak” and “The Schiz” is moving forward. I completed a 7-page Author’s Questionnaire designed to supply sales reps with information to convince book stores my works will sell despite my entire career’s seeming to argue the opposite. I’m pushing a “Long Over-Looked Master Finally Gets His Due” campaign.
We are also lowering prices, knocking $10.01 off “Cheesesteak” and $5.01 off “The Schiz.” That penny seems important to the experts. Buyers seem to believe there is a difference between $X.99 and $X+1.00.
Prices have been adjusted accordingly at my website. And both books have been pulled from Amazon for the time being.
Finally neither book left on consignment at Pegasus sold and were returned to me. I have not dusted for fingerprints to see if they were opened.