Sold one “Lollipop.”
The buyer was “Marcel,” my café pal with the fuel-injected hatchback and the Christian Scientist mother. (See “Adventure” 306.) Three people have said they intend to buy it but have not as yet, and the fellow who said he’d send me $10 has not as yet.
Here are some reactions: Adele loved it. So did a close friend. Another friend praised my writing and “sensibility,” but, word has reached me, disapproved of my political thinking. The first friend and another person have said they hope to review it. One of the two places from which I had solicited reviews has noted I am not a subscriber and suggested, while this would not influence its decision, I might wish to become one. I explained that my policy (unexpressed), when I used to submit stories to quarterlies who hit me up for subscriptions, was that I would subscribe if they published my story and that if they didn’t, I wouldn’t. I offered that, even if the review was a hit job, I would buy a subscription, which I thought was more than fair.
I also had several visitors to my table.
“An-ti-GO-knee” (See a previous “Adventure”) looked over both “Lollipop” and IWKYA and said she hoped to talk more but had a BART train to catch. (She had a question in reference to the latter though: “How long have you been married?”)
A tall, thin fellow with long dreadlocks and wearing a white plastic Targer bag on his head asked how much my books cost. When I told him, he said, “Mmmm” an asked the barista how much a refill was. When the barista told him, he said, “Mmmm” and left.
I had a longer conversation with a young man of Indian descent who managed one his family’s hotel (rooms for $100-150) in downtown Oakland. He had developed an entire philosophy of hotel management (“Your rest is our reward”), which he intended to develop into a book and was interested in my thoughts on and experiences with self-publishing.
Then I had an even longer conversation with the husband of a colleague of Adele’s who had died several years ago. He had moved to NYC a year ago and was back in Berkeley tying up loose ends. (When I saw him enter the café, I shifted my book arrangement to what I thought would most engage him.) We covered the usual grounds: children (his); grandchildren (his); health (everyone’s); work; exercise; politics. Then I said, “Good seeing you, but I’ve got to get back to work.”
When I told Adele the closest I had come to a sale was the guy wearing the plastic bag, she said, “What you are getting out of this is more valuable than anything you got from Harper & Row. These are jewels you are polishing and polishing.”
Adventures in Marketing — Week 308
Sold four “Lollipop”s.
Three at the cafe (one on credit, payment a week overdue) and one at my web site. Swapped one for a promised CD and sent one to a cartoonist in Slovenia who’d sent me her most recent book.
Deliveries have occurred in Washington and Colorado but not, so far as I can tell, on the east coast. Reactions have been positive, but no one has reported reaching beyond Chapter 8. One fellow has asked to review it at a journal to which we both contribute, but, unfortunately, I know from having made a similar request the journal — commendably — does not allow one contributor to review another; and I have sent copies to a book review near Chicago and applied — you have to apply — to be reviewed by an outfit in the city itself.
In other news…
1.) Not directly on point, but I received an e-mail from a woman in New York who wanted to surprise her husband on their 20th wedding anniversary with a gift of some of my art work in the $300-$35oo price range, though she could “be flexible with the cost.”
I thanked her but said, regrettably, I had no artwork. I did have several books I would happily sell her for $300-$3500 and, if it would make them more appealing to her, offered to doodle alongside my signature on the title page.
She has not replied as yet.
Adventures in Marketing — Week 307
The initial public response to my announcement of “Lollipop”s availability at Facebook (not a single “Like” or “Comment”) and blog (one belated “Congratulations”) was tempering and that of the 100-150 friends and acquaintances to whom I sent a personal e-mail
(four purchases, plus one “Cheesesteak”) only slightly widened my smile. But I sold eight books at the cafe in two days, including one to a fellow who had never bought from me before. Still, though I kept my print run (and costs) down, my break-even point is far away.
I know this is not the point. The point is the experience — of which this is part — and the enjoyment thereof; but it is a handy way to keep score, and it is difficult to shake the idea that “score” is what counts. It is also odd, as I have noted before, since books can only be bought from me, to know who has and who has not bought one, and then to have one’s attitude toward that person shaped accordingly. Odd and not particularly flattering about one’s ability to “rise above” such pettiness. (I am particularly grated by those whose own self-published books I have purchased but who have kept silent about their intentions toward my own.)
Adele is the only person I know who has begun “Lollipop”‘s reading. She has laughed, exclaimed, and asked a couple questions. (“What’s the Fourth Amendment?” “What’s DIY?”) She loves it, but she’s reading it from the POV of “This-is-the-guy-I’m-going-to-meet-and-marry-and-live-with-for-50-years.”
Oh, and George R. asked, “What’s the worst thing that happened to you?”, which led to a good discussion at a sidewalk table at the cafe.
Adventures in Marketing — SPECIAL REPORT
LOLLIPOP has arrived — one day after UPS had said it would be here and four months after I’d projected originally. It looks GREAT and Adele, who has read to page 10, has chuckled, learned things she did not know, asked for certain clarifications — but spotted no GAFFES. If you took advantage of my SASE-offer or if you ordered a copy from my Web Site or from me or Spruce Hill, your copy will ship no later than tomorrow. If you do not receive it within five-to-ten business days thereafter, it may be that you didn’t do what you think you did, or there has been a glitch in the shipping department. Call customer service — or contact me directly.
Adventures in Marketing — Week 306
Sold a “Best Ride.”
The buyer, Marcel, an ex-insurance broker who has seen better days, is a three-peat customer, so I let him have it for half price. In return, he told me about the time he almost got to Philadelphia, stopping in South Jersey in some place “with an Indian (sic) name.” It was ‘87, and he had driven his ‘71 fuel-injected VW fast-back cross country, stopping outside big cities to avoid the traffic and taking busses or trains in. “I felt good about the country then.”
Why this approach didn’t work with Philly, I never learned, but I did hear about his mother, a Christian Scientist, who lived until 95. “All her friends were the same. She walked every day. Never drove a car. Filled out a health questionnaire for UC for 30 years. Thirty years! ‘How do you do that?’ ‘Eat right.’ And it wasn’t an easy life. Raising three kids. A single mom.”
In other news…
1.) A nice Reader’s Reaction to “Best Ride” from Irving, who was moved by the scene where Tisa takes out her tiara – a scene I had forgotten about. (It reminded him of a popsicle stick on which he had written a girl friend’s name in 1947,) And Wendy had nice things to say about IWKYA which she saw as “a love story,” which it is, as well as a book about an illness, which George P. kept harping on. “It is both,” Wendy said.
2.) My friend Michal (not to be confused with my friend Michael) has suggested I work out a deal with the café where it buys a stock of books from me, signed, and gives one to a customer who buys 10 drinks. And my friend Budd (not to be confused with my friend Bud) has suggested I sell naming rights to my usual table. “Clorox presents Bob Levin.”
3.) Truckers blockade, be damned! “Lollipop” has crossed the border from Montreal. Delivery expected Wednesday. Less than 100 copies remain unspoken for. Get your $15 to POB 9492, Berkeley 94709 or order via PayPal at
I should say, planets seem to be aligning, in some odd fashion, to promote it. Just yesterday, the NYT noted the passing of the writer of the song of the same title, which, in point of fact, has nothing to do with my book; and the week before, on the wall behind him in the photo accompanying the obit of a noted historian of the ‘60s was the poster which served as the basis for my cover.
Adventures in Marketing: Weeks 209 – 305
Sold a “Goshkin.”
Which ended my longest non-cash register ringing streak since these accounts began.
The buyer, an 80-year-old novelist’painter/musician, a café regular and prior customer (whose books I have also bought), was attracted by my seemingly just-noticed J.T. Dockery sign. “He did this too.” I pointed to the customer.
Leafing through the illustrations sealed the deal. “For me, my daughter (another novelist), and grandson (a cartoonist-in-development).”
“Only one copy?” Adele said, when I reported post-game. “You could have had a bonanza.”
In other news…
1.) My table had not been entirely without foot traffic. One fellow, of the all-possessions-in-a-backpack phylum, twice stopped by to inquire, “Are you Bob?”, his recollective vessels as undeveloped as his wallet.
2.) Someone else … That visit was even less consequential, and I’ve forgotten it completely.
3.) Had learned, via the Authors’ Guild Message Board, of a reputable publisher of spiritual/health books which would re-issue previously self-published books. Figuring Ram Dass’s testimonial would give it a leg up, I pitched it. “Unfortunately,” I learned “(it did) not fit (their) current publishing needs.” Alas, the couple weeks of pleasant fantasies until this judgment reached me succembed to reality’s scorpion sting.
ALL OF BOB’S BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FROM: (Less than one week till “Lollipop” ships from its printer in Montreal. Only a limited number are available, so, assuming the borders have been opened by then, it would be wise to get your orders in.)
Way Down Yonder
Faithful readers will be aware of my aslant preoccupation, not so much with the Kennedy assassination itself — the first one, but with how people think about it. This review of Alicia Long’s recently published “Cruising for Conspirators” is my most recent engagement.
Here’s a couple sentences:
Long’s book – clear. concise, well-focused – keeps its distance from the muck of who killed Kennedy. Looking through a “lens of sexuality,” she argues that Garrison prosecution – persecution – of Shaw stemmed from a prejudicial-to-the-point-of psychosis cultural belief “that homosexuals were clannish, secretive and liable to commit all manner of crimes up to and including murder.”
Charlie Dear
My latest piece is up at Here’s a sample:
Let’s get the crabbiness out of the way, Goshkin thought.
He sat at the front of the café, a clear sight line through the Covid-necessitated open front-doors, his lap top before him, his books and “For Sale” sign. He wore PETA-defying anaconda boots – perhaps Berkeley’s only pair – a steel-and-gemstone bracelet, handmade by Austin, who sold from the parking lot. A black beret covered white hair, an Archie Moore t-shirt surgical scars.
The object of his immediate attention, Dear Charlie (Water Row Books. 2021), collected correspondence from the esteemed – in some circles – cartoonist/artist S. Clay Wilson (1941-2021) to the esteemed – in smaller circles – poet/novelist Charles Plymell (1935–present). It went for $99, 68-pages of – maybe – quality paper but nothing-special cover, a real what-the-fuck. He could understand gussied-up, limited editions for the collectors’ market, but how about something for the man-in-the-street or – perhaps more suiting the consciousness involved – gutter? His copy came, numbered, with glued-in-place card of a (reproduced) drawing of Wilson’s iconic Checkered Demon chugging (“SCHLORK!”) a beer, and marginally value-enhanced by Plymell’s signature (and Wilson’s “facsimile”). Ordered several days after launch, it clocked in at #15 of 100, so product hadn’t exactly leapt off shelves.
One other thing. TCJ now has given contributers an “Author’s Page,” I saw mine this morning and, like Adele said, it’s like walking through a museum of my mind. Here’s the link to it:
I hope you can get in. If not, consider coup-pasting into your browser.
Adventures in Marketing: Week 298
I’ve picked up a few new “Friends” who may need grounding. So, every morning, I sit in a café with a selection of my books and a “Buy Bob’s Books” sign. I keep a record of my sales and of interactions of significance with the public. Then I write about them.
Like this.
One sale.
An I Will Keep You Alive went to a fellow, via my web site, with whom I’ve been corresponding since he began commenting on pieces of mine at First of the Month. I think it’s his third book.
Café business has been slow. Covid. Cold weather. University on vacation. (One business that’s booming is the tattoo/piercing parlor on Telegraph, across from Moe’s. We were up there, trading in books at Moe’s, and it must have had 40 young people lined-up outside. Ben & Jerry’s did about that when it was giving out free ice cream.) But I had a couple conversations stood out, and some readers enjoy those more than my business ups and downs.
The first was with “Albert.” It didn’t really come about because of my books. We’d already introduced ourselves some weeks before when I’d passed along a Chronicle I was done with. Albert is about 60, white-beard, well-groomed and well-spoken for a guy with most of his belongings strapped to a grocery cart. But on this morning, he was dripping wet, and I asked how he was doing. “Not so well,” he said.
“You sleep outside?” I said.
“Not always, I stayed inside libraries for about 20 years, until the university shut them down. Now they’re closed. Cafes are closed. And last week, somebody stole my cart.”
“Jesus,” I said. I had a $20 I planned to give another fellow and I offered it to him.
“Oh, no.” He waved it away with a smile. “I get a pension, $950 every month. I’m fine.”
There’s more to his story, I figure.
The other conversation was a couple days later.
“Cleve” was a big, blonde surfer from Santa Monica, now living in Indonesia. An illustrator, pen-and-ink from what he showed me, he had been drawn to my table by my sign (art by J.T. Dockery). He knew Rick Griffin’s work (“Rad”), and Robert Williams’s (“The master”), and Crumb (“The greatest.”). He didn’t know Wilson, and when I showed him my Checkered Demon sign, he marveled at the easy flow of the line. “Like graffitti art,” he said.. Then I brought Vaughn Bode into the conversation. He said he would check him out and I said I would check out Craig Stecyk, whom he recommended.
Then he became the 122nd person in a row who took my card and said he’d be in touch and wasn’t.
Last Ten Books Read XI
In order of completion:
1. Benjamin Labatut. When We Cease to Understand the World. A brain-banger of a novel, built upon the genius and madness of post-quantum physics scientists and mathematicians, fact and fiction and you can’t be sure which when where.
2. Jeffrey Toobin. A Vast Conspiracy. (Second time.) Begun while watching the FX series on the Clinton impeachment. No matter his behavioral problems, Toobin is a smart guy and a good journalist, not afraid to make his judgments known: Ex: “(A) prodigious egomaniac, even by Washington standards.”
3. John DiSanto & Matthew Ward eds. Boxing in Atlantic City. Treasure-trove of photos.
4. Danny Lyons. American Blood. Known primarily as a photographer, Lyons turns out to have been writing strong, clear, gutsy, committed prose for decades.
5. Albert Camus. The First Man. Okay, I guess, if you have interest in a boy growing up in post-WW I Algiers.
6. Dan Clowes. Patience. Not for me. I’ll be trading this one in at Moe’s.
7. William Mattews. The Poetry Blues. Ditto. Essays – too many on poetry, too few on the blues.
8. Bob Ingram. Sun Songs. Simple, direct, moving tales of growing up on the Jersey Shore. Wildwood, to be specific.
9. Ernst Pawel. The Poet Dying. Neither bio, nor criticism but some of both in lively, happy-to-pass-judgment prose.
10. Sigrid Nunez. A Friend. Terrific. A must read for striving writers, teachers of writing, those concerned with mortality – and lovers of dogs. Her, I want to read more of.