Goshkin At Large

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Bob Levin, noted winner of best-of-years salutations for both fictions and nons, returns with “Goshkin At Large,” which is some of each, tracking a couple year jaunt of its central character, who bears a striking resemblance to his creator, through the writing of a number of articles, virtually identical to those penned by the same creator, encountering en route, among others, Bob Dylan, Edward Gorey, Andy Kaufman, and Lee Harvey Oswald, and, while seeking to adjust his own life and thinking to theirs, must simultaneously surmount peripheral impediments like the NBA, Donald Trump, and COVID-19.

“A wry, eccentric, bittersweet, little book,” says noted author and Merry Prankster (semi-retired) Ed McClanahan. “A hoot.”

$20, Signed by the author. Please contact us for international shipping.