Fully Armed: The Story Of Jimmy Don Polk

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02_FullyArmedTheStoryOfJimmyDonPolkA lawyer named Bob Levin meets a disabled homeless panhandler named Jimmy Polk and decides to write his life story. Drugs, violence and the mysteries of the creative process. Out of Print. $15. signed. Please contact us for international shipping. Only a few copies available.


“A fascinating exploration of truth, friendship, and survival.” BOOKLIST.

“…truly intriguing… a disquieting hybrid, a mystery story combined with philosophical meditation and self-probing.” EAST BAY EXPRESS.

“Well structured and beautifully written… It deserves to be read.” PARK CITIES PEOPLE.

“A riveting tale of unlikely friendship…” John Sanderson. ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS.

“…a special example of creative biography…. “important.. (and) illuminating…” B.N. Duncan. STREET SPIRIT.