Adventures in Marketing — Week 383

Sold one book; swapped another.
The sale, a “Cheesesteak,” was to “Natasha,” a 20-something African-American, with rhinestone-studded eyeglasses and shoulder-length hair under a multi-colored knit cap. She has been working at home since Covid, which does not suit her. “I need interaction. I’m a social person.” She wants to read more. She wants to learn. We agree, despite our differences in background, as far as my books go “Cheesesteak” is a good beginning.
The swap was of “Most Outrageous” to my café pal Gene for his latest. Faithful readers will recall him, perhaps under a pseudonym, as a retired architect and author of humorous seniors erotica. This time, “Train Six, Party Mix,” he has widened his range to a ninesome (of which I have, so far, met five), the youngest of whom are in college. The action occurs in transit from Berkeley to Chicago and seems well-researched. I have learned a lot, for instance, about some not-on-the-menu possibilities within dining cars.

In other news…
1.) I shared my hard-earned self-publishing wisdom with “Judith,” a retired professor of pedagogy, who has turned from academic prose to poetry and essays. A mutual friend asked if I would counsel her, and I said I would be happy to, especially if she bought one of my books. Unfortunately, the friend had spoken highly only of IWKYA, which I happened to be non-holding the morning Judith showed, so my advice turned out to be gratis.
2.) And the café has seen the return of “Sam.”
He used to be there every morning, sitting in a corner, wrapped, regardless of the weather, in a wool Raiders jacket, eating a yogurt acquired at the supermarket. Sam had a ferociously untrimmed beard and ghastly pallor, but he was nice enough that no one begrudged him the loans he promised to repay the first of the month – and never did.
Then Sam disappeared. He was gone over a year. “How you doing, Sam?” I said.
“I’m doing good,” he said. “I’m going to repay you what I owe you.”
“No rush,” I said.
“And could you buy me a coffee? I’m kinda desperate.”
I handed him a five.
Later “Michaelangelo,” the café’s well-known multi-media artist and I were discussing this visitation. “You never know who’s going to walk in,” he said.
“But ‘Rick’s’ gets Ingrid Bergman,” I said, “and we get Sam.”

All my books are available at
Gene’s is available thru Amazon.