Sold no books.
But I gave away 11 “Best Ride”s at my Café Venne reading. (I did not read from it, but from a story in which it factored.) “Couldn’t get bobbleheads in time,” I quipped, “and the ‘Strength in Numbers’ t-shirts had been spoken for.” (I also gave away eight guitar picks, but that’s a different story.)
The reading was lotsa fun. We drew 25-30 people, one-third invited by me, one-third invited by my co-reader/co-organizer, the magnificent Yvonne, one-third past-or-present morning regulars at the café, who knew one or both of us. (Some brought relatives or friends.) Only one walk-in arrived, but she was someone who knew me and saw my name on the flyer posted on the door.
I think the event was enjoyed by all. The only suggestion otherwise came the next morning when I overheard someone say to a fellow who hadn’t been there, “The audience was so old, half of it fell asleep.” I think she over-stated the situation. I only saw one person fall asleep, and she is in her mid-80s and receives chemo-, so she’s entitled. (She was also seated next to the woman who reported and may have fallen on her shoulder, which would certainly have colored her experience.)
Haven’t heard from management how business went (but I counted two espressos, three teas, a glass of wine, and a slice of cake ordered). Also haven’t heard how the hotel guests, of which the café is a part and to which there is only one shared entrance, felt about schlepping through the audience (sleeping or not) to get to and from their rooms. Pain in the ass or charming Berkeley native life.